no support possible for Edge Ex20s and Edge Ex30.2nd one fan 255 to 0 (zero to high) tpfc_v062e.zip for Edge E520, tpfc_v062e3.zip for Edge E335, tpfc_v062L.zip for TP L430 and TP L530.1st one fan 0 to 7 (zero to high) tpfc_v063.zip, tpfc_v062.zip latest common version and tpfc_v062Lx2.zip special version for TP L520 and Edge E320.NEW: Hotkey integration.Īttention: there are two alternative incompatible flavours of TPFC: In TPFanControl.ini set UseTWR=1 to see more sensors, will work only on latest TP models. Working on TP Txx, Txxx, Xx, Xxx, Xxxx models, not suitable for SL510, E325 and certain other TPs, apply here tpfc_v062.zip. tpfc_v063.zip special version, minimizing interactions with Lenovo Power Manager (see 1st FAQ), preventing strange spontaneous unexpected actions.tpfc_v062.zip latest common version, autostart by registry key as setup option, bug fixing, new options: startup in manual mode with manual fan speed adjustable, widget stays on top, optional slim widget.tpfc_v061.zip program/service behavior at user log off completely reworked.tpfc_v060.zip program or service can have up to 8 additional icons simultaneously on different accounts by tpfcicon.exe or tpfcicon_noballons.exe, SecWinUptime & SecStartDelay no longer needed.out of startup folder), 2nd alternative fan control profile, new parameters ManModeExit, IconColorFan=0/1, Lev64Norm=0/1, read TPFanControl.ini and readme.txt, alter values for your needs (default meets T61). tpfc_v055.zip support for switchable graphics added, runs under Vista/Windows 7 without admin rights (i.e.tpfc_v050.zip new names and new paths, with easy 1-file installer and 1-click uninstaller, additional bluetoothEDR control (T61) and sleep warning message box.tpfc_v042.zip, like v041 with additional bluetooth (internal) and thinklight control, parameter NoExtSensor=1 for Thinkpads A2x,T2x to prevent buggy reading and parameter ProcessPriority(=2 default).tpfc_v041.zip Windows XP/Windows Vista, 32/64bit, Celsius/Fahrenheit, service/non_service, with digital icon and new 32/64bit TVicPort port driver,.tpfc_v033.zip Windows XP 32bit service only, with digital icon, Winio port driver,.

tpfcserv_v025.zip Windows XP 32bit service only, no digital icon, Winio port driver,.latest common version of TPFanControl v0.6 3 for Windows 10 / 8 / 7 / Vista / XP, 32/64bit, Celsius/Fahrenheit, service/non_service (generation T420 and later).latest common version of TPFanControl v0.62 for Windows 10 / 8 / 7 / Vista / XP, 32/64bit, Celsius/Fahrenheit, service/non_service.Please note: TPFanControl has been withdrawn in year 2015, there are no activities anymore Hinweis: Die Entwicklung von TPFanControl wurde im Jahr 2015 beendet This page has been copied before the site went offline Diese Seite wurde mit Genehmigung von troubadix von dessen Homepage übernommen, bevor sie abgeschaltet wird